What We Do


Be the Sermon Sunday

Something we value at Connect Church is not just attending church but allowing our faith to be a light onto others. Twice a year we meet at the church, sing a few songs, then go out to BE the church to our community. Sometimes it’s cleaning a yard, and other times it’s donating our time at a food pantry or elder care facility.

Meaningful Messages

Our goal at Connect Church is to be a church where unchurched people want to attend. Part of that is giving applicable messages for people from all walks of life. We want to give you something that will impact your life, no matter the current status of your faith.

Music Ministry

We focus on creating an atmosphere that will allow a great experience for both believers and non-believers. Even if you don’t know the songs, you can tap your foot to the music or sing along by following the words on the screen. Raise your hands, belt it out, or stand there quietly; we know worship looks different for everyone!